Disclaimer: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. |

If you search ‘how to start a blog,’ into your favorite search engine, you will get all sorts of advice.
When I was first researching about blogging, I learned the need for some legal pages. This is one of the things that held me back for years, literally. I knew I needed legal pages to protect myself, but if I was going to make the effort to protect myself legally, I didn’t want to do it wrong.
I wanted so bad to start a blog, but I had a couple of problems.
First, I didn’t have the money to hire a lawyer.
Secondly, the free legal pages seemed (and are) sketchy.
After hours and hours of frustration trying to find a trustworthy source for free legal pages, I realized there was no such thing.
Yes, you can find free legal pages, but I wanted to protect my family from financial harm. Unfortunately, a freebie legal page just wasnt going to cover all of my bases.
The penny pincher in me was desperate for an answer.
What’s a girl (or guy) to do?
After many wasted hours, I determined that if I wanted to truly protect myself, I was going to have to put some money into it. In this case, making a wise investment was much smarter than taking a risk with free stuff.
Enter the three pages you must have for your blog: privacy policy, disclaimer, and terms and conditions. You have the same three options I did.
- Hire a lawyer. (expensive) This is a viable option, but may be out of your budget like it was for me.
- Find a free template (risky) and hope no one sues you. Or, worse yet, write one yourself.
- Purchase a legal template from an attorney. (safe and affordable)
The Legal Bundle
The Legal Bundle is a template download with disclaimer, privacy policy, and terms and conditions all in one. An attorney, who has a blog herself, wrote this legal bundle.
Now, I can sleep at night knowing that I’m legally protected.
Let me break down the components individually. I’m not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. It’s simply my two cents on what the general gist is.
A disclaimer is a notice to the user that you are not responsible for anything that happens to them by using your site. But, it has a bunch of specialty jargon that makes it all legal.
Privacy policy
A privacy policy tells the user what information is collected by you, and how it is used.
Terms and conditions
A terms and conditions page informs the user how they are allowed (and not allowed) to use your website.
Now all three of those have more to them than that. This is just a super simple explanation.
You need all three to protect yourself, and the Legal Bundle fits the bill.
Amira’s Legal Bundle is a steal of a deal. Amira is an attorney with a deep understanding of the small business owner (that’s you!).
Here’s my five top favorite things about her Legal Bundle.
1. Affordable
The Legal Bundle is so much cheaper than hiring a lawyer. Also, laws change frequently, and who wants to pay a lawyer every year to update your legal pages. Which brings to favorite thing number two.
2. Free Updates
Amira gives you free updates to the legal pages you’ve purchased. When there is an update, you get the update for free. No yearly fee! It’s wonderful to not have to repurchase each time.
3. Simple set up
The Legal Bundle is extremely easy to set up. The included instructions show you exactly how to customize the legal pages for your blog. She takes all the guesswork out of it.
4. Affiliate program
If you have done much blogging research, you have probably heard about affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is simply recommending a product to others. If someone purchases through your affiliate link, you get a commission, but the purchaser doesn’t pay anything extra. Here’s my affiliate link: The Legal Bundle. If you make a purchase through that link, I’ll make a commission to help support my family without it costing you anything extra.
The Legal Bundle comes with a generous affiliate program, which is a really awesome perk. So, you buy the Legal Bundle to protect yourself. If you love it, tell others about it, and earn back your investment. How sweet is that?
5. Multi-site use
Have more than one blog? No problem! Amira let’s you use her bundle on all the websites you own, and you just have to buy it one time. This was a major clincher for me. Before I even had this blog launched, I already had two or three ideas for other blogs that I’m hoping to one day explore. If and when I do, I’ve got my legal side already covered. Win!
I can’t tell you how much peace buying the Legal Bundle has given me. If you are interested, check it out. Amira has an amazing blog too, filled with all sorts of posts to help you on your blogging journey.
Get the Legal Bundle
If you have any questions about the Legal Bundle, or any questions at all, drop them below. I’d love to hear from you!